42 ft Chris Craft Corvette

by Robert Wittenkeller
(Alsip, IL, USA)



This Sterling models 1955 Chris Craft Corvette was inspired by the time period it was made. A time when it felt good to be an American and the dream of cruising on a yatch meant something more! These ships were hand made by craftsman with a passion for producing a product that showed pride, dedication, and style. This model has been modified to include many handmade, one-of-a-kind elements to represent the "true" artesian aspects of the real thing. Note the hardware, fixtures, lamps, stove, seats, fire extinguisher, anchor, etc etc etc have all been made by hand from scratch. My father, Bob Wittenkeller, spent years on this project and his attention to detail combined with his skill for making scale art have made this ship spectacular! I hope you enjoy it!!

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Fittings for Chris Craft Corvette
by: L Van Dyke

Does anyone know where to get the fittings for the Chris Craft Corvette?

CC Corvette
by: Bob G

Wow, beautiful job, I haven't built this particular model but might some day. I have one now that someone left me, yrs ago they ran the boat R/C.

Beautiful job of customizing a classic kit
by: Clint Harper

I'm currently starting a re-build of this same model Chris Craft Corvette that I found on eBay and it needs a lot of TLC. This build sets the bar pretty high and gives me a lot of ideas for customization. First class work!


by: Petter


I have hidden your email address to protect it from being over-run with spam.

If anyone wants to help Greg, use the contact page on this website and I will forward the email address. Please make reference to this post to help me remember...Thanks.

Sterling Corvette
by: Greg Rowe

I recently found a sterling corvette and now need to locate the building plans for this prize model
The boat is built but needs some repairs to the cabin
If you have any thoughts
Write me


by: Tom

Awesome, I try to build my own accessories too. However, I use a smaller scale and that presents its own challenges.

by: Bruno

This is absolutely outstanding. I wish I could develop such skill. Terrific!

by: Bradman

Awesome replica of a true American Classic...Love it!

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