PT 109

by Thren
(Newcastle Australia)

Almost done

Almost done

Hi, I've almost finished building my 1:35 PT from your plans. This is my first "boat" but I have built quite a few planes.

Your site and plans are great and the model is not difficult to build. I've used 3mm balsa for hull frame and 2.5mm for hull and deck, 1.5mm for deck house structure.

I couldn't find much information online about your PT plans being built, so I created a build log over at

link to build log...

I can recommend these plans for anyone wanting to do a scratch build and not sure where to start. Great plans for a great boat.

Comments for PT 109

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Scratch build - awesome
by: carl

Took a at your build log and it was great. Hope you post some photos of that beast running on the lake. Great job.


Nice work!
by: Petter

Great job!

I can tell you've got experience building with balsa. Also, excellent choice of balsa thicknesses for the different areas of use - should give you a good balance between strength and durability. I have not visited the RC Groups log yet, but will venture over there in a bit.


P.S. Thanks for the kudos! Makes it all worthwhile!

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