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Homepage –

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Model Boat Plans Store

RC Boat Plans

PT-109 Plans

USS Monitor Plans

CSS Virginia Plans

USS Olympia Plans

Store Policy and Terms of Sale

Plans Printing Tips

Model Boat and Maritime Books

Maritime Books - Historic Reference Books

Model ship books - Mainly for scratch building

RC boat books - All aspects of RC boats

Build Articles

Model Boats Intro






Tissue & Dope on Balsa


Free Model Boat Plans

Ship Plans Explained

Model Ship Plans

Architectura Navalis Mercatoria

Making Hulls

Solid Block Carving

Part 1: Preparing the block for model boat hull carving

Part 2: Shaping the block into a model boat hull

Part 3: Adding keel and rudder to the model boat hull

Part 4: Adding strip decks and gunwale to the model boat hull


Bread and butter model boats - pros and cons

Bread and Butter hull construction - photo essay

Egg Crate method

Half Hulls

Build Logs

RC PT 109

PT Boat Plans - Purchase the plans here

Part One: Intro and Getting Started

Part Two: Building the Hull Structure

Part Three: Planking the Hull

Part Four: Adding Hatch Coaming, Deck and Keel Strip

Part Five: Deck Houses

Part Six: MG Turrets

Simple RC boat

RC Boat plans

Introduction - list of materials, scope of project etc

RC Boat Hull - part one - starting hull construction

RC Boat Hull - part two - adding deck, keel and lower bulkheads

Planking - sanding and planking the RC boat hull

RC Boat Motor Mount - some tips about motor installation

Finishing up the hull - adding rub and spray rail, hatch coaming etc

Simple RC Model Boat Rudder

RC Boats


RC Boat Plans

RC PT Boat Plans

RC Boat Articles

RC Controls

RC Servos

RC Sailboats

RC Boat Steering

Tips about RC boat rudders and linkages

Make a simple model boat rudder from brass

RC Boat Propulsion

How to size your motor

Find surplus brushed motors

Brushless Motors Explained

Make a motor mount

Make your own propeller shaft

Battery Packs - a basic orientation


Plastic Kits

Age-of-Sail Models

PT boat models

Boat Types

Torpedo Boats

Spar Torpedo Boats

PT Boats

Patrol Torpedo Boats - an Overview

RC PT Boats - Commercial Kits and RTR

Build Log of an RC PT-109 (See under "Build Logs")


Civil War Ironclads

Confederate Ironclads

USS Monitor

CSS Virginia

CSS Virginia – Museum Models


US Battleships

USS Maine (ACR-1)

USS Oregon (BB-3)

USS Olympia (C-6)

USS Arizona (BB-39)

Site Info

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